eBay Sales Show Wii Leading PS3 and Xbox 360

If the auction site eBay is any indication of console momentum, Nintendo Wii and Sony PlayStation 3 are off to a good start. The two systems have been retailing far beyond their retail prices and have sold tens of thousands of units. Since the launch of Sony’s PlayStation 3 on November 17, 2006, eBay has seen 14,675 items sold thru November 24. Nintendo’s Wii has fared even better, despite the two day head-start by Sony and heavy market saturation, selling 26,708. The PlayStation 3 is averaging $1,186.39 (roughly double the price of the premium pack) and Wii is averaging $412.53 for the $250 unit. Meanwhile, the Xbox 360 has sold 331 items for an average price of $420.62 since November 12, 2006.

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