Gladihaters is out now on Steam Early Access


Gladihaters mixes cyberpunk pixel art aesthetics with fighting, strategy and management genres.

Remember Gladihaters? We revealed it on Game Freaks 365 last June. Well, Aden Interactive announced today that their new game has finally launched on Steam Early Access.

A mix of genres

Gladihaters does a unique blend of strategy, management, and fighting action as you explore a rich dystopian prison and society of the future. Players can expect a unique 2D pixel-art cyberpunk game with striking visuals and beautiful animations.

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You have 365 days as a guard in a dystopian jail to earn the Prison Arena of the Year title. The prize is given to you if you excel in management, recruit personnel for each department, explore new technologies, ensure technologies, and secure triumphs in each arena.

A lot of positive changes are coming

At present, the game has garnered some excellent comments, particularly for its graphics style and innovative synthesizer-based music. Furthermore, Gladihaters is set to acquire a slew of new components, game systems, fights, minor tweaks, and other enhancements during 2022.

This new game mixes a number of different mechanics so that no matter your favorite genre, you should have a good time. Gladihaters is available today on PC via Steam Early Access.

Watch the game trailer down below!

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