Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree Trailer Analysis

The gameplay reveal trailer of Elden Ring’s much-awaited expansion, Shadow of the Erdtree, is out now. Along with some gameplay that showcases some of the new things added to the game, it also showed many enemies and bosses we’ve never seen before. In terms of lore, this trailer raises many questions. In this article, we … Read more

Weapons that would’ve been great in Elden Ring

Elden Ring has a great and varied arsenal of history-accurate weapons and fantasy weapons. In fact, it has one of the greatest arsenals in gaming. However, there still are weapons that would’ve been great additions to Elden Ring. Every weapon in this list is one that was used by various nations in medieval times. Hopefully, … Read more

Elden Ring Weapons and their Real-life Counterparts

These are some Elden Ring weapons that were based on or inspired by real-life counterparts. The fabulous arsenal of Elden Ring’s weapons is one of the best medieval and dark fantasy weapon arsenals in the history of gaming. The game features hundreds of weapons that were made for the game specifically and ones that were … Read more

Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree speculation based on the official artwork

Let’s discuss Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree speculation based on the official artwork released on February 28, 2023. Keep in mind that none of the information in this article is confirmed officially and that this is merely speculation, as the title of the article says. After one year of the release of FromSoftware’s unforgiving … Read more