Evil Dead: The Game Army of Darkness update out now

Evil Dead: The Game Army of Darkness update out now

The Army of Darkness update is now live in Evil Dead: The Game.

Saber Interactive and Boss Team Games have released the Army of Darkness update for the co-op multiplayer action title Evil Dead: The Game.

The major update introduces a new map that features Castle Kandar, the setting from the MGM classic horror-comedy Army of Darkness. Players will also gain two new weapons, premium cosmetics, and a new single-player Exploration mode.

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Here’s what you can expect:

Evil Dead fans will recognize numerous locations on the Army of Darkness map, most notably Castle Kandar itself, recreated in vivid detailOther locales include the iconic Windmill, the Arthurian Outpost, Fort Gort and the Castle Kandar Keep, which held the Necronomicon during the attempted siege by the army of darkness. In addition to the free map, players will also be able to fight with two new, free weapons: the Mace, a slow but powerful close-range weapon perfect for going medieval on deadites; and the Explosive Crossbow, slow to reload but with a blast worth the wait.

In the new Exploration mode, players will be able to experience Castle Kandar as well as the other maps in the game entirely on their own. Free roam across all the vast locations and learn the lay of the land while honing your slaying skills against roving Deadites.

The new map, weapons, and mode are free for all owners of Evil Dead: The Game. The update is available now on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC via Epic Games Store.

Watch a trailer for the Army of Darkness update below!

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