First Class Trouble, Divine Knockout, Gamedec: Definitive Edition free at Epic Games Store

First Class Trouble, Divine Knockout, Gamedec: Definitive Edition free at Epic Games Store

Starting today, First Class Trouble, Divine Knockout and Gamedec: Definitive Edition are free at Epic Games Store. The free game offers run until January 19 at 11 AM Eastern. Once you claim them, they’re yours to keep.

Divine Knockout comes from Red Beard Games. Here’s a description of the game from EGS:

KO the gods in the world’s only 3rd-person platform fighter! Become a small-but-mighty god of myth, brawl in all three dimensions, and knock your friends off the map to reign supreme.

Damage enemies to make them vulnerable, then knock them out of the arena with a mighty blow! Enjoy combat inspired by 2D platform fighters, but brought into a unique third-person perspective.

Meanwhile, fans can claim a second free game this week in the form of First Class Trouble. Here is a description of the game from EGS:

First Class Trouble is a party game where players must work together and against each other to survive a disaster. The goal is to shut down a deadly A.I. of a luxury space cruise ship. Some players are impostors, secretly playing as human-looking killer robots intent on betraying the other players.

Players take the role of passengers on the ISS Alithea in this multiplayer social deception game from developer Invisible Walls. The cruise ship’s central artificial intelligence network, C.A.I.N., has gone rogue and is sucking all the oxygen out of the ship. Passengers must use proximity chat to cooperate on objectives in order to reach C.A.I.N. and win the game.

Lastly, Gamedec: Definitive Edition is free this week. Here is a description:

Gamedec is a single-player cyberpunk isometric RPG. You are a game detective, who solves crimes inside virtual worlds. Use your wits to gather info from your witnesses and suspects, getting to the bottom of deceptive schemes. You are the sum of your choices.

What do you think of this week’s free games? Share your thoughts with us on the forums!

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