Foo Fighters Release New Album on Rock Band 2

MTV Games and Harmonix announced today that Foo Fighters’ best selling album, The Colour and the Shape, will become the seventh complete album to join the Rock Band Music Store catalog of downloadable content. Selling more than 2 million copies in the US alone, The Colour and the Shape is the most successful album from the alternative rock band and includes hit singles “Monkey Wrench,” “Hero” and “Everlong”. With “Everlong” already featured on the Rock Band 2 soundtrack, the DLC album will include the following tracks:

1. “Doll”
2. “Monkey Wrench”
3. “Hey, Johnny Park!”
4. “My Poor Brain”
5. “Wind Up”
6. “Up in Arms”
7. “My Hero”
8. “See You”
9. “Enough Space”
10. “February Stars”
11. “Walking After You”
12. “New Way Home”

The Colour and the Shape will be available for download starting November 11, 2008 for the Xbox 360 and November 13, 2008, for the PlayStation 3. Pricing will be $19.99 (1600 Microsoft Points) for the album, or $1.99 (160 Microsoft Points) per track.

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