Let’s Try Crash Team Rumble

A mix of classic Crash Bandicoot gameplay with multiplayer fights.

Crash Bandicoot has changed over the years. However, it maintains its original essence even with recent games. Today we bring you a Let’s Play of a game that has turned the tables completely. We’re talking about Crash Team Rumble.

If you’ve ever thought of mixing Crash Bandicoot with Super Smash Bros, you’ll get something similar to Crash Team Rumble. Since we’re fans of both games, we bring you first impressions and a little more. So keeping reading!

A very rare mix that will be hard to fit in with the public

We can’t deny how awesome the Crash Bandicoot games are. For many PlayStation gamers, they were the entry into the world of video games. Now they are introducing a very unique format to the franchise.

Crash Team Rumble is a new experiment from Activision that mixes the platformer and brawler genres. Yes, you read correctly. Have you ever thought of merging these two genres? Yeah, neither have we, but Activision thought it was a good idea.

In our first impressions of the game, we find dynamic matches that offer challenges and unpredictable dangers so that the competitors never let their guard down. If you’ve ever played Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time, you can get an idea of the game’s platforming feel.

However, with a very unique point mechanic, the game is not far off from many other popular multiplayer games in the industry. There is no doubt that this experiment on Activision’s part is an interesting one. However, it’s such an odd experiment that we don’t know if it will sit well with fans of the franchise. We shall see!

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