Operation Flashpoint: Elite Coming November

Operation Flashpoint will launch this fall, in November 2005, for the Microsoft Xbox as Operation Flashpoint: Elite, complete with online play over Xbox Live, Codemasters confirmed today.

Developed by Bohemia Interactive Studio and specifically adapted for Xbox from the PC original, Operation Flashpoint: Elite lets gamers experience the game on Xbox. The game retains all the depth and immense content of the original and takes players into the heart of a gripping Cold War conflict between NATO coalition forces and a renegade Soviet Red army faction.

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“This is not another run-and-gun shooter; Operation Flashpoint: Elite simulates modern warfare on a level never seen before on any console, providing a totally new playing experience,� said Marek Spanel, Bohemia Interactive Studio’s Director. “You’ll need brain power as much as quick reflexes; act before you die, think before you act, and find cover before you think.�

“We have adapted and improved the game for Xbox while keeping the sheer scope and complexity of the gameplay. The visuals have been recreated specifically for the format with map sizes and draw distances ultimately more impressive than anything seen on a console.�

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