The Attendant is a text-based indie game that makes you question your decisions

The Attendant

The Attendant is a new text-based indie game that puts you in the role of Evie, a flight attendant on Flight 155. You’ll learn about your passengers and yourself as you ease their fears during a crisis.

The game comes from Andrew McKissock, a former writer for Game Freaks 365. As some regular readers saw previously, Andrew is a big fan of RPGs, as you can see in posts like Final Fantasy VII Remake: A deeper dive into the story and ending or The evolution of Final Fantasy VII: PS1 classic to PS4 remake.

In The Attendant, we can see how this love for RPGs influences the story of the game. From the personality of each of the characters to the importance of each of the decisions that Evie makes in the 25 minutes that this text-based game lasts, we can see the influence of Andrew’s connection with the RPG.

The personalization of the different passengers is incredible. How well-structured each character’s dialogues show us completely their personality to the point that we can imagine them physically since Andrew created several interactions between characters. You can see how the bonds of friendship between each of them are forged.

As all text-based games try to put you in the shoes of the character, apart from making you live the story as if you were in it, the game manages to leave you with specific philosophical questions that make you reconsider the decisions you have made in the course of the game. Expect to ask yourself questions like “Who am I?”, “Did I make the right decisions?” or “Could I have helped the passengers more?”

It is an incredible game for how short it is. If this is your first foray into text-based games, this may be the best way to do it. With an incredible story, excellent character development, and a surprising ending, The Attendant promotes an excellent gaming experience. If you want to play the game, try it on Go ahead and let yourself get carried away.

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