Through the Darkest of Times is a historical strategy game set in Nazi Germany

Through the Darkest of Times

Imagine it’s 1933. Adolf Hitler and the Nazis have come to power in Germany. Everyday Germans who resist Hitler’s tyranny struggle to survive as secret police whisk away opponents of the regime, never to be heard from again.

Through the Darkest of Times is a new indie strategy game that puts you in the role of a member of the resistance. You search for like-minded individuals, form a resistance group, and work to undermine the Nazis from within.

The game is divided into four separate chapters that follow actual events that happened during the Third Reich. So, unsurprisingly, it has a somber mood to it as you learn more about the cruelty taking place around you. Basically, this is not a game to help you relax.

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“Make decisions that affect not only yourself but also the lives of the strangers you meet and the safety of your group. Risk losing everything, your freedom, your loved ones, or even your life,” German indie developer Paintbucket Games says. “Will you put yourself in harm’s way to protect the innocent? Will you break during the Gestapo interrogation? Will you lead your fellow resistance fighters through the darkest of times?”

Through the Darkest of Times is available now for $14.99 on Playstation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. It was previously released on PC via Steam. So if you prefer to play strategy games on your computer, that’s an option too.

My Take

These types of historical games have a lot of potential as a tool for teaching younger generations. Whether or not this particular game gets it right, I can’t say since I haven’t played it yet, but it certainly looks promising.

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