Analyst Expects PS3 to Outsell Xbox 360 Without Price Cut

Today was the unofficial end of summer. Labor Day also marks the beginning of the holiday season for video games. Fresh off of a $50 price cut that put their 160GB system at $250, the PS3 has seen a healthy uptick in sales. One analyst at least thinks that the increase will lead to the PS3 overtaking the Xbox 360 if Microsoft does not act quickly.

“If Microsoft does nothing, I think PS3 will outsell Xbox 360,” industry analyst Michael Pachter told IndustryGamers. “However, my friends at Microsoft are extremely proud, and they absolutely refuse to tolerate the possibility that the PS3 will outsell the Xbox 360. I think they have the ads printed for the Xbox 360 price cut, and will drop them on us the instant they see PS3 sales greater than 360 sales.”

While $50 may not seem like a lot, that price advantage over the Xbox 360 is incredibly important in a tough economy. For those that are willing to spend $300 instead of $250, they can get a 320GB system with a free copy of the popular inFamous 2. That’s the same price as a 250GB Xbox 360 console. We’ll see in the weeks to come if Microsoft follows Sony’s lead in reducing their console price.

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