Broomstick League wants to be the Rocket League of Quidditch

An indie developer has finally stepped up to the plate to deliver a fast-paced high-flying Quidditch-like sports game. It’s called Broomstick League, and it’s coming soon to Steam Early Access.

In Broomstick League, players take to the sky to compete against other would-be wizards from around the world in a battle of the skies. Players divide into teams and zoom across large arenas atop their broomsticks in an effort to grab the magical orb, outmaneuver other players, and score a goal.

“Players compete against friends online and use a combination of fast reflexes, teammate assists, and magical spells in an effort to become the champion by scoring in one of the two goals on their opponents,” the developer says.

While there will be solo battles, the teams can consist of anything from two-on-two to four-on-four through matchmaking. Players will be able to personalize their witch or wizard and unlock new broomsticks, wands, and taunts.

EA actually released a Quidditch game called Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup, but that was way back on the PS2. At least that I’m aware of, this is the first recent take on the fictional sport.

Obviously, the developers want this to be the next big multiplayer esports game. Rocket League immediately comes to mind. We’ll see if it can stack up. The first hands-on playable demo of the game will debut at TwitchCon 2019 in San Diego at the end of the month.

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