Fight ‘N Rage coming to PS5 and Xbox Series X|S

There’s also a free update for PS4 or Xbox One players accompanied by all the updates released to date.

For some time now, beat ’em up fans have been clamoring for a new game to come to the current generation of consoles. But, what they didn’t count on was that a very popular game among beat ’em up fans would make the jump to the new generation of consoles.

BlitWorks Games has announced that its popular beat ’em up Fight ‘N Rage is coming to PS5 and Xbox Series X|S. This classic game of the genre with pixelated graphics and well-done animations developed by a single developer will come to these consoles with 120 FPS support for compatible screens.

An indie that leaps the new generation

Fight’N Rage is a 2D retro-style fighting game developed solo by developer Sebastian Garcia under the name SebaGamesDev. This game seeks to return to the classic games of the genre of the late 80s and 90s but brought to the present. Thanks to this, he has been able to offer fans an almost perfect title.

After being released on PS4 and Xbox One, the game had an important success knowing that it is an indie. Even so, the developer decided to bring this game to the last generation of consoles. Those players who already have the PS4 and Xbox One versions will be able to make the jump to the PS5 and Xbox X Series X|S versions for free. In addition, they will be receiving all the content updates that have been released for the game to date.

Fight n Rage

Among them, we can find: game modes, unlockables, alternative paths, new additions for compatibility with different sticks, and much more, making this title the definitive version of Fight’N Rage. And, as if that wasn’t enough, SebaGamesDev has also added a 120 FPS mode. Players will be able to enjoy every battle at a frame rate that will blow their minds!

Fight’N Rage is coming to PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X on March 1st. If you already own the game on PlayStation 4 or Xbox One, you will have to wait until March 1st to update or download the game on your next-generation console.

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