John Wick Hex creator thinks James Bond action-strategy game could work

James Bond

The creator of John Wick Hex gave a recent interview in which he said that he could envision a James Bond game using a similar formula.

“I’m not planning to do that so I can talk about that,” Mike Bithell says in an interview. “I think a lot of action games would work for it. The core thing is it has to be something that combines action with thoughtfulness.”

Okay, so he’s already dashed our hopes with the “I’m not planning to do that” part – and, frankly, the film version of Bond isn’t a thoughtful character at all, although the literary character is more so. Still, his suggestion of Bond is an interesting one.

“I feel the way that he moves through a fight scene and also through the spy part of his job as well you could maybe do something cool with James Bond,” Bithell adds.

It’s been a long while since we had a game set in the Bond universe. The last one was Activision’s 007 Legends, which was released in 2012. A video game adaptation of Skyfall was also planned. Ultimately, it ended up just getting released as a downloadable level for Legends.

There was also interest in the franchise from the now-defunct TellTale Games, which was known for its adventure games. In an interview, the company’s president and co-founder called himself “a giant James Bond fan” who was “always frustrated by games that make [Bond] a mass murderer.”

As for John Wick Hex, it was released last October as a fast-paced action strategy video game tie-in to the popular Keanu Reeves action movies. It is available at Epic Games Store for $19.99.

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