Max Payne 3 Review

Developer: Rockstar Publisher: Rockstar
Release Date: May 15, 2012 Available On: PC, PS3 and Xbox


Rockstar Games and I do not have a good

history together. I am not a fan of sandbox

games (a couple of exceptions do exist for

example Sucker Punch’s inFamous and Radical

Entertainment’s Prototype 2), for the most part,

I cannot play them. Unfortunately, a large

majority of Rockstar’s library includes such

sandbox titles; but the developer has

nonetheless taken over the Max Payne series from

its former team, Remedy. Frankly, they’ve done

an exquisite job, breaking free from what they

are typically known for: Max Payne 3 delivers a

gripping narrative, pummeling players with an

emotional freight train, breaking through all

the barriers that Rockstar had confined itself

to within the sandbox.

A Dame, a Dork, and a Drunk

After popping in the first disc and starting

up the game, the very first thing I noticed was

the amount of style in Max Payne 3; the game

simply overflows with it, breaching to the brim,

starting with the basic introduction sequence

that transitions into the main menu. A short

scene plays, immediately giving you a glimpse of

the state that Max is currently in; an addict, a

drunk, his work taking him away from his haunted

past in New Jersey to Sao Paulo, Brazil. As the

scene concludes, Max pours himself a drink and

walks into his apartment, with the Max Payne 3

logo and main menu fading into view.

The events of Max Payne 3 take place nine

years after the second game. The slaughter of

Max’s wife and daughter in the previous

installments has taken quite a huge toll on our

alcoholic ex-cop protagonist; even on the job,

Max spends his time drinking and numbing his

mind with his other vice, painkillers. The game

takes place largely in the present time, with a

number of flashbacks scattered throughout to

give some detail about how Max ended up at rock

bottom. Chronologically, the game starts off in

a Hoboken bar; Max has an altercation with the

son of a local mob boss – a friend named Raul

comes to Max’s aid, but the encounter leaves the

young man dead. Raul convinces Max to join him

in a private security business, and ends up

working one of his biggest protection jobs,

looking after the wealthy Branco family. A

series of events eventually sets into motion

when Rodrigo Branco’s wife, Fabiana, is

kidnapped – Max is thrown into a whirlpool of

deceit and corroption that would rightfully

leave any man second-guessing anyone speaking to


Despite the bright and sunny setting of

Brazil, the “noir” style that defined the first

two Max Payne games returns. This game is gritty

and dark; the city streets have been abandoned

in favor of loud nightclubs, depressing favelas,

and Brazillian docks. The cutscenes have an

interesting effect that splits the screen, with

important bits of dialogue flashing on the

screen. These graphic novel-style ideas that are

expressed in the cinematics help Max Payne 3

reach that “ultra-stylized” feel the developers

were going for, and helped to immerse me even

more into the story. Without these little

extras, the game could have just been another

cinematic shooter. Aside from a few instances

where I thought the textures could have been

smoother, I was mostly impressed with the

overall style and the high level of detail

contained in the environments and the character


A Fat Bald Dude With a Bad Temper

Max Payne 3’s style is not the only thing

going for it; more importantly, Rockstar did an

incredible job of putting players in Max’s shoes

with the gameplay. The controls are tight and

the slick combat really brings the whole package

together. Max Payne 3 is absolutely brutal, and

moving from firefight to firefight, there is

plenty of carnage to be had, but it all starts

with the solid mechanics.

Bullet-Time has always been the one huge

gimmick in the Max Payne series, and having the

ability to access it without the loss of even a

split-second was genius. Often the intense

firefights will put you on the verge of death

unless you use the mechanic liberally. Now, a

lot of others that I have spoken to have had one

major complaint regarding Max Payne 3’s control

scheme – the default button mapped to activate

Bullet Time (clicking the right trigger). I

actually think it’s in the perfect position;

clicking the right joystick saves you from

having to move a finger to another button,

resulting in those precious milliseconds that

mean the difference between life and death.

Admittedly, there are some control options

available – for example, upon starting a new

game, players have the choice of “free aim”,

“soft lock”, or “hard lock” targeting modes.

Free Aim felt difficult to me, but made the game

seem more realistic and smooth as well. Soft

lock and hard lock automatically “snap” the

reticle onto enemies at varying intensities;

this makes the game easier, but I also didn’t

have as much fun with this turned on.

The actual combat situations in the game are

pretty intense; enemies will approach each

scenario uniquely, and will even react

differently if you die and restart from a

previous checkpoint. Your opponents will flank

you, throw grenades in an attempt to flush you

out, and so on…basically, the A.I. is

impressive. When you manage to thin out the

groups of enemies, your last bullet fired to

kill the final enemy activates a nifty “bullet

cam” that follows the path of the shot to its

target. Even cooler and more unique to Max Payne

3, you can continue to pull the right trigger

and squeeze off extra bullets, pummeling your

enemies with lead. Blasting an opponent with the

remainder of your clip, even when you’re low on

ammo, can be extremely satisfying. Another

interesting and unique concept; if Max is

holding onto at least one health-recovering

Painkiller when he’s shot down, he can enter a

“last stand” mode. If you manage to get revenge

on the bad guy that shot you down, Max can get

back up at the expense of the remaining

Painkiller. Sometime’s it’s a good idea to stay

on the ground, as Max can rotate and aim with

360 degrees of movement, with detailed

animations for bending, stretching, and rolling

around to shoot in different directions. The

detail is pretty amazing, really.

Max Payne 3 also has some of the coolest

interactive scripted events I have ever

experienced in a video game. My favorite of

these takes place in a factory, as Max blasts a

gear and grabs a chain, hurtling three stories

upward with Bullet Time automatically activated.

Max blasts away at the enemies as he’s vaulted

upward, and it’s really exciting, to say the

least. When I play video games, I tend to

restart certain checkpoints if a segment isn’t

executed perfectly. However, I’ve never played a

game that caused me to restart checkpoints five

or six consecutive times just because I thought

the portion of the game was so awesome. Max

Payne 3 pulls this off, and sets a new standard

for third-person shooters in my eyes.

After completing the game there are several

extra game modes to tackle. First, Score Attack

rewards headshots and bullet time kills with

bonus points, but also deducts points for things

like getting shot, going into “last stand”, or

using Painkillers. New York Minute and New York

Minute Hardcore are the most difficult modes in

the game; New York Minute gives you a minute on

the timer, and rewards you with extra time by

pulling off headshots or various violent acts,

but you must complete the entire level before

the time runs out. If you die at any point, you

restart from the beginning of the chapter. New

York Minute Hardcore takes the idea further;

most of the same rules apply, but dying forces

you to begin the entire game over from the


Gang Wars

On top of the extra single-player modes, Max

Payne 3 features an extensive multiplayer

component – a first for the series. Players can

fully customize load-outs and character

preferences to their liking, with weapon

attachments and hundreds of different possible

combinations. There are eleven different

multiplayer modes in total, some like the

standard team deathmatch and its variants, and a

few that are unlike anything I’ve played before.

For example, “Gang Wars” puts players in the

role of a local gang, with each gang occupying a

spot on the map. Players must complete

objectives such as defending territory and

sabotaging rival gangs. “Payne Killer” is

another unique game type; one player starts the

match as Max, another begins as Raul. Any kills

earned by these players results in extra points,

but coordinated attempts to kill Max or Raul

result in the role being passed from one player

to another. Basically, it’s a “VIP-style” game

type, where you try to remain the VIP in order

to earn more points.

In conclusion, I think Max Payne 3 is the

cinematic experience of the summer. Being put

into the role of the belligerent, beaten-down

detective is a treat. There was a point that the

frequent cut-scenes started to become

frustrating, but after some thought I realized

that this game would not be as rewarding if it

wasn’t so absolutely engrossing and

aesthetically stylish. The single-player is

insanely well-done, and the multiplayer

impresses as well. With the extra game modes and

the robust competitive component, I can only say

that I wish every $60 game offered half as much

high-quality content as Rockstar’s Max Payne 3.

Graphics: 9
Sound: 8.5
Gameplay: 9.5
Creativity: 9
Replay Value/Game Length: 10
Final: 9.2 out of 10
Written by Drew Meadows W

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