WWE 2K20 will feature an online lobby system, daily match challenges

2K Sports today announced two features for the upcoming WWE 2K20: an online lobby system and daily challenges.

The online lobby system is back in WWE 2K20 with lobbies that will “streamline the process of pairing up players and getting them into a match as quickly as possible.”

If you have an exact online match in mind, you can create your own lobby with a variety of match types and rules. It supports up to six players. You’ll be able to choose the arena, Superstar gender, and even toggle the restriction to only allow default WWE Superstars (a.k.a. Fair Play).

“You can start out in private mode to invite friends and then open the remaining slots to the general public if you prefer,” 2K says.

Once in the lobby, everyone can voice chat as they select their wrestler. The lobby creator is in charge of making decisions, and players will have full visibility on how the match is coming together.

If you aren’t too picky, you can browse available lobbies that only need one or two more participants and jump into the action, or you can use the search feature to filter based on your preferences. Quick Play is even easier; it will have you join ready-to-go matches automatically.

In addition to the lobby system, 2K Sports also announced a new Tonight’s Match feature in multiplayer, which “places you in a new match every day that rotates through match types, rules, genders, and arenas to make it simple to constantly try something new.”

The Road to Glory Featured Match of the day is similar to Tonight’s Match, but it also includes potential Triple Threat, Fatal 4-Way, and 6-Man (or woman) matches. According to 2K, these will “regularly toggle back and forth between male and female matches so both of your MyPlayers will get regular rotation.”

WWE 2K20 is coming to PC, PS4, and Xbox One on October 22. As we previously reported, the game features the story and classic fights of the Four Horsewomen.

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