Five best legends in Apex Legends

Apex Legends

Picking the best legends in Apex Legends is key to success. We’ll help you choose the one that suits your playstyle!

Apex Legends is the latest game in the battle royale genre. Despite its quick rise in popularity, it continues to quickly gain a following. There are many reasons why people love this game, but one of them is that there are so many characters.

Each character has their own strengths and weaknesses. So you can pick your favorite based on how you want to play or even just based on aesthetics. Even so, the game has some legends that are simply broken. That is why we’ve put together a list of the best legends in Apex Legends!


Wraith is one of the most unique legends in Apex Legends. Her skillset is what makes her one of the best characters in the game. She has a passive ability called “ancient weapons.” This means that Wraith can see through walls with a special camera. This gives her an edge when trying to find enemies or loot items that are hidden from view.

Something else that makes Wraith so good at flanking is her flexibility. She has access to several movement abilities like wall-running, hologram decoys, and zip lines (which you can use to quickly move across long distances).

Her ultimate ability involves creating a clone that looks exactly like you except for its weapon loadout (you choose what your clone will use). You then have time to sneak up on enemies or infiltrate enemy locations without being seen until it’s too late! The clone also leaves behind trails of light while moving around which allows teammates who were not near them before they were activated but now see them on their map thanks to these markers making it easy.


Bangalore is a legend that is good in all situations. She can be used to flank, but she can also be used as a sniper and mid-range gunner. If you see someone playing Bangalore and they have the right gun, it’s not hard to take them down from medium-range or long-range.

Bangalore has a good ultimate ability called Smoke Launcher because it can help her teammates by providing cover or if you’re on defense, it can be used to slow down enemies approaching your team.


Gibraltar is an excellent choice for new players who have trouble staying alive. He’s strong enough to keep himself and his team alive in the early game, but he’s also agile enough to be a threat in later rounds with his ultimate ability, which protects him and all his teammates in a large area around him. If you’re looking for a legend that can protect you from damage as well as dish it out, Gibraltar is your man.


Pathfinder is the best legend in Apex Legends. As a supporting character, he has the ability to use his grappling hook to get to places other legends can’t. This makes him a great addition to any squad and allows him to provide cover fire or provide healing when needed. His ultimate ability is called zipline, which allows you to quickly escape dangerous situations by pulling yourself along it into safety.

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His passive skill allows you to see through walls while moving, making it easy for you to locate enemies before they spot you first.


Lifeline is the best medic in Apex Legends. She has a pet robot named D.O.C., which heals her teammates and revives them when they’re down. Lifeline can drop care packages to give teammates ammo, armor, and other useful items.

She’s also the only legend with a shield to protect herself from enemy fire while she heals or revives teammates. This makes her the best choice for teams looking for a group healer who can stand back from combat and stay alive longer than most legends.

Beyond these legends, there are many more available to choose from. But it’s not all about choosing the best legends for your play style. It’s about choosing the legends you feel most comfortable playing with. That legend allows you to bring out your full potential as a player.

What do you think are the best legends in Apex Legends? Let us know on the forums!

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